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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2016

when the moral is relative

In the past said that the younger generation is the future generation. As an example that the youth have been the most fiery spirits. And he also said that the character is more valuable than science. Without a moral science will be empty. Just like we wear clothes but not wearing pants. In the past the ancestors and forefathers are eager children and grandchildren are noble. With a heritage that teach them life policy, ethics in the life of their children.       But the reality now is very far from expectations. When generation after generation to another. Moral ethics would worsen. It was almost extinct. as if oblivious to the fact that they must also learn the history. There are so many young people today assume easy (understatement) the advice of his ancestors. They perceive it all the old-fashioned, outdated and all the other assumptions. In this case, there are two factors or source that caused the extinction of morals. Ie technology and fall of spiritual...


           Dahulu dikatakan bahwa generasi muda adalah generasi penerus bangsa. Sebagai contoh bahwa yang mudalah yang paling berkobar semangatnya. Dan dikatakan pula bahwa akhlak itu lebih berharga daripada ilmu. Tanpa adanya moral, ilmu pengetahuan akan menjadi hampa. Sama saja seperti kita memakai baju tapi tak memakai celana. Dahulu para leluhur dan nenek moyang sangat mendambakan anak cucu yang berakhlak mulia. Dengan warisan-warisan mereka yang mengajarkan kebijakan dalam hidup, etika dalam hidup pada anak-anak mereka.      Namun kenyataannya sekarang sangat jauh dari pengharapan. Ketika generasi berganti ke generasi lain. Moral etika semakin terpuruk. Bahkan nyaris punah. seakan-akan lupa akan kenyataan bahwa mereka pun harus belajar pada sejarah. Banyak sekali anak muda zaman sekarang menganggap gampang (meremehkan) nasihat para leluhurnya. Mereka mengangap itu semua kuno, sudah ketinggalan zaman dan ...