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when the moral is relative

In the past said that the younger generation is the future generation. As an example that the youth have been the most fiery spirits. And he also said that the character is more valuable than science. Without a moral science will be empty. Just like we wear clothes but not wearing pants. In the past the ancestors and forefathers are eager children and grandchildren are noble. With a heritage that teach them life policy, ethics in the life of their children.
But the reality now is very far from expectations. When generation after generation to another. Moral ethics would worsen. It was almost extinct. as if oblivious to the fact that they must also learn the history. There are so many young people today assume easy (understatement) the advice of his ancestors. They perceive it all the old-fashioned, outdated and all the other assumptions.In this case, there are two factors or source that caused the extinction of morals. Ie technology and fall of spiritual value to God Almighty.
Zaman changing new age. The era in which the creature called the technology began memberikasn virus and colonize the life of the modern era. From the start of a super-sophisticated communication tools began in craved teens. Which is now more concerned with prestige rather than function. They are stuck in a bad impact komunikasi.mereka tool will forget the time because of constantly boasted in cyberspace. Freedom of the internet is now being plagued their minds. Free sex, free sex, drug use telarang to idolize someone fanatically. It all can be found with ease. As if it had become a daily tradition. As a result of the many we often encounter cases such as abortion infant product of adultery, murder, bullying, fights or worse, die in vain because of taking drugs telarang. Not to mention the western culture which is not suitable to imitate. In terms of fashion, for example. Make the youth forgot to mention her name genitalia. Make lust opposite sex so mired in adultery. It is a little example of the negative impact of the technology continues to erode the moral culture of polite as the ancestors want on their grandchildren.
And the next is our forgetfulness toward God. This one is at the root of all the destruction. Because, as such people are far from His guidance and strayed into the wrong path. They lost their way, and do not know where life instructions that must be taken. Weak faith is also a determinant of a person to be immoral. Yet human beings are creatures of the most perfect among others ciptan-His creation. Because humans have a sense as distinct from animals. Mangkanya very difficult to distinguish between humans and animals. Starting in terms of clothes, today many people who do not like to dress close the genitals or naked like animals. Not to mention in terms of human behavior that is increasingly prevalent as the behavior of the animals. As with killing parents themselves, stealing and raping. It was all even the animals just do not do it. And sometimes weak faith also made people forget the gift of God that is given to him. They were given the eye, but like to see, given the ear like a hearing and was given no reason like not thinking.
Currently we are in an age in which morality is relative, it was old school and old-fashioned. Yet we know that without moral, our lives will be damaged and not much different from the animals. Hopefully we can all mutually-advised advice in truth and goodness. In order for us not to fall in the extinction of moral ethics.


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