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5 minute devotional life

5 minute devotional life
By: M iqbal Imanullah

Let us pause in activity-activity that turn to us. There are many things that we often forget to think about it. Have you ever thought how many tiny babies are born in this world per second? How many shoots that grow menadi beautiful tree? How many couples who tied the knot in a wedding holy? How many breaths that we breathe? How many people died? How many nights that we pass. how many drops of water collected into a puddle that makes a beautiful lake? or how many favors of the Lord are the others?
Can any of us think who we are? What is it alive? Why are we doomed to live if later we will die? Who invented this life? Life sometimes looks monotonous. With the bustle-bustle boring. With a routine in which we live. Walking in the suburbs see congestion on the highway. Buskers and beggars here and there down of public transport one to the other public transportation. Hawkers who carry merchandise with a full body sweat. Small children who scolded her for misbehaving. Or employees who are well-dressed complete with their suits and ties are serving queue of clients at the bank.
Some interpret the purpose of life is to make ourselves happy. With a simple life with family little treasure lying far away from the conflict. But why do many people in this world who can not feel happiness in him? They often feel the bitterness of this life. Always less with what he got. And to make his life away from the goal. Others say life is not fair. Life's too hard to live. Which makes the person is on the wrong path. Then why are so many different about someone's life purpose? And we were both born in this world. We live. We grow up, and die.
In other words, human life is a series of events with the dynamics of the conflict. From the start he was born to die. In a life filled with gloom and to the sheer fanaan lessons to every human being is often forgotten for reasons of busy. Too happy and proud of what he had. We terlau busy with the arrival of the news that comes every day happy. And when something that we have lost, we will realize that all of this has been God has destined. We will be sorry for what we do. We have forgotten about what our ultimate goal of life.
Therefore, let us think back to what our purpose is truly life. Although people around the world have had a view and purpose in life is different, the scientists tried to find the truth of a scientific theory to get the findings incredibly, the students are tired to go to school fulfill their duty of both parents to seek beneficial knowledge, leaders of the country this is to think about how people lived prosperous, love of a mother in a child who continues to maintain a continuous children so that they become a filial son later, religious leaders who continue to think about the fate of his people, a father who desperately trying to find a living for his wife and children or there are many more things of the many examples that exist. which in essence we will be back in the same way. That is the way back to our creator. What is the purpose of your life? Let's think back.


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